YES Meeting

YES Meeting was born in 2006 as a result of Filipe La Fuente’s pioneer idea, a student from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. His goal was to gather students from the biomedical areas as well as professional researchers from reference centres, including Nobel Prize winners, and give them the opportunity to compare and discuss their works. The main goal of this project has been ever since to provide students the feeling that their work is not only given the proper value but also recognition from the scientific world. Hence motivating them to do research work.

We embraced the idea from the beginning, and we have developed a logo based on the same assumptions: a strong identity, simple and concise. Of course we also wanted a scientifically concept to be represented, but we were not interested in exploring stereotypes as the caduceus. Since the Yes Meeting will always be aimed at young people, to a starting point, to the beginning of professional life, we’ve decided to explore a form to represent the formal simplification of the zygote – the first human cell which constitutes the first stage in a unique organism’s development. Zygotes are usually produced by a fertilization event between two cells- which is also an analogy to this meeting of students and professional researchers.

We’ve developed the identity, posters, website and other collateral since the first edition and for four years. We left the event because we believe in succession and evolution.

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto Project:  Identity, Collateral, Posters, Website

Art Director:  Ricardo Padua Designer:  Ricardo Padua Programmer:  Ricardo Padua
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 Advertising
Art Direction
Branding & Identity
Concept Development
Creative Design
Website Design